is a story that a detachment of the army of Mardonios, having over run
Megaris, wished to return to Mardonios at Thebes, but that by the will
of Artemis night came on them as they marched, and missing their way
they turned into the hilly region. Trying to find out whether there was a
hostile force near they shot some missiles. The rock near groaned when
struck, and they shot again with greater eagerness, until at last they
used up all their arrows thinking that they were shooting at the enemy.
When the day broke, the Megarians attacked, and being men in armour
fighting against men without armour who no longer had even a supply of
missiles, they killed the greater number of their opponents. For this
reason they had an image made of Artemis Soteria (Saviour)."
~Pausanias, Description of Greece
~Pausanias, Description of Greece

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